Winter is a time when many people find themselves using more energy to heat their homes, and for Minnesotans this is a certainty!
This can lead to higher monthly bills, and in some cases, it can be difficult to keep your home warm. In this blog post, we will discuss 8 easy tips that will help you conserve heat in your home during winter.
Maybe you’ve tried a few of these already?

#1. Close off rooms that you don’t use often
It’s important to take steps to conserve heat and keep your energy bill more manageable. One easy way to do this is to close off rooms that you don’t use often, such as guest bedrooms or storage areas. This will help to prevent heat from escaping into these unused spaces, and will make your home more comfortable and efficient. Additionally, you can seal any cracks or gaps around doors or install temporary or semi-permanent draft stoppers under your doors to further prevent heat loss.
#2. Install weatherstripping around doors and windows
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, as much as 30% of a home’s heat is lost through doors and windows. That’s why one of the best ways to conserve heat is to weatherstrip these areas. Weatherstripping is a simple and inexpensive way to create an airtight seal around doors and windows, preventing heat from escaping. There are many different types of weatherstripping available, so it’s important to choose the right one for the job. For example, foam tape is a good option for sealing small gaps, while EPDM rubber can be used for larger gaps. Once you’ve selected the right type of weatherstripping, simply follow the instructions on the package to install. Not only will this prevent heat from escaping, it will also prevent unwanted drafty areas and frost/moisture build-up on windows that can damage your woodwork or interior.
#3. Hang curtains or drapes to keep the heat in
If you’re looking for an easy way to conserve heat and save money on your energy bill, hang curtains or drapes in front of your windows. Doing so will help to keep the heat from escaping through the glass. In addition, you can also invest in thermal-backed curtains, which are designed to further prevent heat loss. When you live in a particularly cold climate like we do, it’s important to take the time to install storm windows and doors, especially on older homes.
#4. Use a alternative heat in specific areas instead of heating the entire house
Many people think that the only way to stay warm in winter is to crank up the heat and let it blast throughout the entire house. But this can actually end up costing more money and wasting more energy. A better option is to use a space heater in specific areas where you will be spending most of your time or utilize your gas or wood fireplace to heat up the room you’re in. This way, you can keep the rest of the house at a lower temperature, which conserves both energy and money. Just be sure to properly maintain your fireplace and chimney, or turn off the space heater when you leave the room so that you don’t accidentally waste energy.
#5. Make sure your furnace is well-maintained
One of the most important ways to conserve energy in your home and lessen the burden on your furnace is to make sure that it is well maintained. A regular tune-up will ensure that your furnace is running efficiently and not wasting energy. This will also improve the longevity of your furnace that should last many, many years with proper attention and care.
#6. Change furnace filters
Don’t forget to change your furnace filters on a regular basis. Over time, dirt and dust can build up on the filter, making it less efficient at circulating air. A clean filter helps your furnace to run more smoothly, using less energy in the process. For best results, experts recommend changing your furnace filter every three months. Write it on your calendar for the whole season, so you don’t forget.
#7. Clean duct work
Dust and dirt can build up in your home’s ductwork over time, making it less effective at circulating heat. This can cause your furnace to work harder than necessary to keep your home warm, driving up your energy bills. Fortunately, this is an easy problem to fix. Investing in professional duct cleaning services can help to restore your ductwork to its original efficiency, saving you money on your heating bills. In addition, regular duct cleaning can help to improve the air quality in your home, making it a healthier place for you and your family.
#8. Propane delivery plan
If you’re looking for ways to conserve heat this winter, propane delivery is a great option. Getting on our delivery plan ensures that you have a constant supply of propane, so you never have to worry about running out. In addition, delivery plans are often cheaper than paying for an emergency delivery. We’re here for you and can get you signed up!
There are many different ways to conserve heat during winter and each one can make a big difference in your energy bills. We’re your local source of heating fuel and propane. We’re ready to answer any questions you may have.