Sign up today and get your name entered in a drawing for a $250 gift card!
Now through 01/10/2025, customers who sign up for Grower 360 and/or Electronic Statements with LQP Co-op will be entered into a drawing for a $250 Cenex Gift Card.
A customer only needs to sign up for one of these services between 11/01/2024-01/10/2025 in order to be eligible for the giveaway!
Any accounts currently signed up are ineligible for the giveaway.

Scan the QR Code and Sign-Up for Grower 360!

Grower 360 is known to “bridge the gap between growers and ag retailers…” We have used this platform to our advantage to get a better feel of what our customers needs from us as your Partner in Agriculture. Available on a computer, tablet or smartphone, Grower 360 will help you stay up-to-date with all your account needs.
If you prefer to not scan the QR code, visit our Grower 360 Sign Up Form. Please allow 2 business days to get set up with a Grower 360 account. Please look for an email from [email protected] (check your junk mail).
Scan the QR Code and Sign-Up for E-Statements!
E-Statements has been a useful service that we have offered our customers since the beginning of 2024. With signing up for E-Statements, you will no longer get a mailed copy of your monthly statement. Instead, you will get it emailed to your preferred email(s).
If you prefer to not scan the QR code, please email Account Receivable ([email protected]) to get signed up. You will need to include your name (first and last), your address and account number if you know it.